1) Adapt or fail
2) Ask or be ignored
3) Be lively and active
4) Always be considerate, helpful and appreciative towards your hosts
5) Be punctual
6) Give 100% of yourself and share self and culture
7) Maintain a neat appearance and keep your surroundings orderly
8) Plan ahead and coordinate with your hosts and their schedule
9) SMILE every chance you get
10) Strive to earn the respect of others
I just found this and loved it!!!! Hopefully when I'm in Italy, I can use this to help me while I'm there.
I am also making a Youtube channel (I currently have one but hate all of my videos; therefore, I will make another channel) to vlog my exchange. I will try to make a video soon so I can post it on here ;) I think that I can choose which method (blogging vs. vlogging) I enjoy most once I am in Italy. I think documenting my experiences will be great for my memories when I come back to the states after my exchange!
That is all for now (and can you believe July will be here tomorrow!?!)
Arrivederci, Shayla
I am also making a Youtube channel (I currently have one but hate all of my videos; therefore, I will make another channel) to vlog my exchange...foreign exchange trading app